"So, what's this website for, anyways?" and whatever else is on your mind

What is this?

This is my attempt at sharing my discovered love of music with the world, or at least you (whoever you are). It was only a couple of years ago that I began listening to music on a deeper level than as a simple time-waster, and I also began to collect it. I have become utterly engrossed with the emotional and political values that music can breed in each and every one of our minds, and I hope to go through my ever-growing collection of favorite albums to share the messages I take with an audience like this one.

This website is also, quite literally, a door for people to discover "more music". I hope to dredge up forgotten albums and give them a completely fair shot, whilst providing some of the only opinions available on the products. I want people who may feel as though they're the only ones to care about this album or that album to come here and feel accepted and bring their own opinion to the table. This will forever be a safe haven for some albums that stayed underground and maybe never deserved to. It'll also be a great place to find new music that you'd never hear about otherwise.

That's well and good, but what kind of music are you reviewing, exactly?

My main genres right now lie in 90's and 2000's rock culture, specifically with the punk, pop punk and emo / hardcore movements. However, I have been branching out dutifully, and will be inclined to review electronic, hard rock, big beat, industrial, funk, reggae and trip hop albums too. Of course, there are many other related genres not mentioned here that I'll review too, and you can always suggest more for me on the "Sharing Your Thoughts" page.

Why only 90's and 2000's?

That's just when all of the good music was made, sorry.

Kidding, of course. Unfortunately, I am quite the young fellow, so I have less appreciation for music before the 80's and 90's, and don't feel yet qualified to rate it (everything would be embarrassingly low and I'd lose any inkling of reputation I have as a music reviewer). I am however branching out, like I said, so perhaps eventually I can review those classics. It will be a long road though.

As for music later than 2011 or so, I am really biased against new music too. Even though it's the generation I'm in, I can't help but find myself turning anything newer away simply due to its age. Call me old school, but I'll have to warm up to what my fellow kids are listening to nowadays. I'm still over here listening to ska...

What makes you qualified to review music?

Absolutely nothing. This is an independent blog-type site, and I don't need to prove that I'm a worthy writer or reviewer, nor should I say that my opinions are better and more logical than others. I just wish to share how I feel about music, and hopefully gain some writing talent along the way. I do write quite a bit, but not to this extent. I'm hoping that this page right here is some of the most foul rubbish on this entire site, because that would mean that I've improved.

Also, I love hearing differing opinions! That's why I have a place for people to share their thoughts. It's important to see multiple perspectives, and I don't want my own voice to be too loud on this site. Personal experience is a major factor in one's opinion of music, and hearing different experiences might help me think differently of an album.

Why a blog, and not something else?

I like having one place where EVERYTHING lies, and the true scholar can find whatever they desire at a simple click. I feel like a goofy professional. Also, this is the easiest way to reach out to a wider audience for me. I can simply share the homepage with those interested, and they'll find all the opinions they could ever want.

Isn't this kind of a dead format?

Yes, yes it is. I'm really obsessed with older technology, though, so I'd like to pretend that blogs are alive and well in today's climate.

What's the end goal?

I'm hoping to eventually have complete looks at major music movements during the 90's and 2000's, and review both influential and underground records from each. The exact point that this would be achieved is unknown, and it is a vague and lengthy task, but it isn't one I've got my heart fully set on completing anytime soon, either. The bigger goal, and the much more achievable one, is to listen to more varied types of music, and find the perfect albums I've been looking for. I just know they're there somewhere.

Take me back to the homepage!